fear v. Life

fear shatters and crumbles and crushes and devourers. fear takes hold of hopes and dreams and smashes them so you don’t even remember they were there in the first place. but Life swoops in and rekindles the fire of hopes and dreams once lost and forgotten about. fear isn’t mysterious because we give into it all the time. it’s like an old friend. maybe an old friend you’d like to never see again, but for some reason they just keep reappearing. let me tell you, this friend keeps reappearing because you are letting it. but Life is mysterious because we’re usually too afraid to ask Life for help. but Life wants to help. why reject the help when we know we need it and it’s free? we reject it because we don’t know how to live separate from fear. we’re afraid of what might happen if we don’t hold onto fear. isn’t that funny? we might as well release control of our lives to Life because honestly, what have we got to lose? if it’s already scary, can it really get that much scarier?

but what if it could get better? happier? more exciting? more hopeful? 

“A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.” (John 10:10, The Message)

what if your life could be more than you ever dreamed of…


wishful thinking

i’m trying so hard not to wish time away, but i just can’t help it. i’m a grand total of like 5 group projects right now and i just want to get out of boone! we have breaks pretty often, but if i’m being honest, they’re not often enough. i get to spend thanksgiving in seattle this year with my sissy and her boo thang and i couldn’t be more excited. rainy weather, coffee shops, doughnuts, pizza, sugar sugar sugaaaaaaa, movies, sleepovers, hikes, hot tubs and love. i. just. can’t. wait. ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage